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Tri-Care Diagnostics

Tri-care Diagnostics is the perfect solution for all your diagnostic needs.

Date17 february, 2021Share


The Challenge

Tri-Care Diagnostics came to Xendek looking to create a brand that could take over the world. To promote its Diagnostics services to people of all ages, Xendek needed to create a new brand identity and website for Tri-Care Diagnostics. In addition to updating the theTri-Care Diagnostics website’s aesthetics, Xendek needed to implement a strong search marketing campaign to further promote the brand’s digital visibility.


The plan

Design a new logo for the new brand name that reflects the modernization of Tri-Care Diagnostics.
Provide a modern website that informs their audience of their desire to always achieve a high level of customer satisfaction with their services. Creating additional content pages will demonstrate their commitment to helping their customers every step of the way and providing useful services.

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